#3 Statistical analysis in ecology with broom


Diego P.F. Trindade


July 15, 2020

Image credit: Alisson Horst
#install.packages(c("here", "dplyr", "vroom", "tidyr", "purrr")) #1st post
#install.packages(c("ggplot2", "cowplot", "glue", "ggtext", "ggrepel")) #2nd post
#install.packages(c("broom", "modelr", "mgcv", "pander")) #3rd post


broom package

broom organizes the messy output we get from summary(model), giving us a tibble with different parameters present in our models. broom also supports working within lists, as we have seen in our previous posts. In short, when we need to perform several statistical analysis, with broom, we can nest the variables and run them all at once. To start, this package has three main functions tidy(), glance() and augment(). Each one gives us different parameters.

As the package’s page says:

tidy() summarizes information about model components glance() reports information about the entire model augment() adds informations about observations to a dataset

Let’s check them out. I will keep using the data frame rich_plot, we were evaluating last time. I will build a non-sense linear model here, using species richness and year.

model <- rich_plot %>%
  lm(richness ~ year, .)

Using the traditional way, we can check the output of our model with summary():


lm(formula = richness ~ year, data = .)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-77.25 -48.53 -30.36  -4.44 814.31 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -759.78221  171.14066  -4.440 9.43e-06 ***
year           0.41619    0.08628   4.824 1.50e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 93.61 on 2364 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.009747,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.009328 
F-statistic: 23.27 on 1 and 2364 DF,  p-value: 1.499e-06


With broom we get the same but more organized. Using tidy(), we get the same as in Coefficients in the summary(...) output: estimates of our model, error, t value and p value

# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic    p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -760.     171.         -4.44 0.00000943
2 year           0.416    0.0863      4.82 0.00000150


glance() gives us the final part of the summary(..) output: r squared, Residual standard error, F-statistic, degrees of freedom etc, but also AIC values.

# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic    p.value    df  logLik    AIC    BIC
      <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1   0.00975       0.00933  93.6      23.3 0.00000150     1 -14096. 28197. 28215.
# ℹ 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>


Whereas augment gives us fitted values, residuals etc.

# A tibble: 2,366 × 8
   richness  year .fitted  .resid    .hat .sigma      .cooksd .std.resid
      <int> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>
 1       26  1923    40.5 -14.5   0.00352   93.6 0.0000428      -0.156  
 2       27  1926    41.8 -14.8   0.00322   93.6 0.0000405      -0.158  
 3       21  1927    42.2 -21.2   0.00313   93.6 0.0000808      -0.227  
 4       27  1929    43.0 -16.0   0.00294   93.6 0.0000434      -0.172  
 5       34  1930    43.5  -9.46  0.00285   93.6 0.0000146      -0.101  
 6       30  1931    43.9 -13.9   0.00276   93.6 0.0000305      -0.148  
 7       45  1932    44.3   0.707 0.00267   93.6 0.0000000765    0.00756
 8       50  1933    44.7   5.29  0.00258   93.6 0.00000415      0.0566 
 9       49  1934    45.1   3.87  0.00250   93.6 0.00000215      0.0414 
10       50  1935    45.5   4.46  0.00241   93.6 0.00000275      0.0477 
# ℹ 2,356 more rows

Nested models

Now that we are kinda introduced to the main functions present in broom, let’s build the same model but based on each taxa we have. For that, we have to nest our data by TAXA and then use mutate() to create a new column ('model').

broom_mod<-rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30) %>%
group_by(TAXA) %>% 

All information we have is nested within the column data. Now we can use map() to go into this column. We can use the same approach we did for the nested plots, using mutate() to create a new column (“model”) and map() to perform the model.

nested_models<-broom_mod %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~lm(richness ~ year, data=.x)))
# A tibble: 4 × 3
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA                 data               model 
  <chr>                <list>             <list>
1 Birds                <tibble [356 × 6]> <lm>  
2 Fish                 <tibble [386 × 6]> <lm>  
3 Marine invertebrates <tibble [144 × 6]> <lm>  
4 Terrestrial plants   <tibble [211 × 6]> <lm>  

Now we have both data and model’s column nested. We need to use one of the broom’s functions here to get the information. Let’s use tidy, for example. For that, we simply create a new column, using the same approach mutate() and map(), saying that we want to access the column model and get the tidy output. Finally we unnest the column we just created with unnest()

nested_models %>% mutate(coefs = map(model, tidy, conf.int = TRUE)) %>% 
# A tibble: 8 × 10
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA       data     model term  estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low
  <chr>      <list>   <lis> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Birds      <tibble> <lm>  (Int… -5.02e+2   64.2        -7.81 6.63e-14 -6.28e+2
2 Birds      <tibble> <lm>  year   2.66e-1    0.0325      8.18 5.00e-15  2.02e-1
3 Fish       <tibble> <lm>  (Int… -8.89e+2  262.         -3.39 7.71e- 4 -1.40e+3
4 Fish       <tibble> <lm>  year   4.78e-1    0.132       3.62 3.33e- 4  2.19e-1
5 Marine in… <tibble> <lm>  (Int… -1.89e+3  476.         -3.97 1.15e- 4 -2.83e+3
6 Marine in… <tibble> <lm>  year   9.83e-1    0.241       4.08 7.43e- 5  5.07e-1
7 Terrestri… <tibble> <lm>  (Int… -3.60e+3  389.         -9.25 2.65e-17 -4.37e+3
8 Terrestri… <tibble> <lm>  year   1.87e+0    0.198       9.47 6.02e-18  1.48e+0
# ℹ 1 more variable: conf.high <dbl>

We could also use glance instead of tidy if we want the .fitted values, for example

nested_models %>% mutate(gl = map(model, glance, conf.int = TRUE)) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 15
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA     data     model r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic  p.value    df
  <chr>    <list>   <lis>     <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
1 Birds    <tibble> <lm>     0.159         0.157   13.2      67.0 5.00e-15     1
2 Fish     <tibble> <lm>     0.0330        0.0305  53.4      13.1 3.33e- 4     1
3 Marine … <tibble> <lm>     0.105         0.0987  68.7      16.7 7.43e- 5     1
4 Terrest… <tibble> <lm>     0.300         0.297   86.8      89.8 6.02e-18     1
# ℹ 6 more variables: logLik <dbl>, AIC <dbl>, BIC <dbl>, deviance <dbl>,
#   df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

We use the same approach for different models. Let’s perform, for example, a gam model, getting the coefs and r squared of each model, now using only one nested function.

rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30) %>%
group_by(TAXA) %>% 
nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~gam(richness ~ s(year, bs = "cs",k=-1), data=.x)),
         coefs = map(model, tidy, conf.int = TRUE),
         Rsq = map_dbl(model, ~summary(.)$r.sq)) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 9
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA                data     model term    edf ref.df statistic p.value    Rsq
  <chr>               <list>   <lis> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Birds               <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  1.69      9      7.14 0       0.159 
2 Fish                <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  6.61      9      3.85 6.33e-6 0.0740
3 Marine invertebrat… <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.59      9     15.5  0       0.488 
4 Terrestrial plants  <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  6.87      9     13.7  0       0.364 

We can also perform ANOVA

rich_plot %>% 
 filter(n_year>30) %>%
group_by(TAXA) %>% 
nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = purrr::map(data, ~aov(richness ~ CLIMATE, data=.x)),
         coefs = purrr::map(model, tidy, conf.int = F)) %>% 
# A tibble: 8 × 9
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA              data     model term     df  sumsq meansq statistic   p.value
  <chr>             <list>   <lis> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Birds             <tibble> <aov> CLIM…     1 1.95e3 1.95e3      9.65  2.05e- 3
2 Birds             <tibble> <aov> Resi…   354 7.15e4 2.02e2     NA    NA       
3 Fish              <tibble> <aov> CLIM…     1 1.85e5 1.85e5     75.1   1.27e-16
4 Fish              <tibble> <aov> Resi…   384 9.48e5 2.47e3     NA    NA       
5 Marine invertebr… <tibble> <aov> CLIM…     1 9.97e4 9.97e4     21.8   6.88e- 6
6 Marine invertebr… <tibble> <aov> Resi…   142 6.49e5 4.57e3     NA    NA       
7 Terrestrial plan… <tibble> <aov> CLIM…     1 1.05e6 1.05e6    181.    3.90e-30
8 Terrestrial plan… <tibble> <aov> Resi…   209 1.21e6 5.77e3     NA    NA       

Tukey test and so on

rich_plot %>% 
 filter(n_year>30) %>%
group_by(TAXA) %>% 
nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = purrr::map(data, ~TukeyHSD(aov(richness ~ CLIMATE, data=.x))),
         coefs = purrr::map(model, tidy, conf.int = F)) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 10
# Groups:   TAXA [4]
  TAXA           data     model      term  contrast null.value estimate conf.low
  <chr>          <list>   <list>     <chr> <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Birds          <tibble> <TukeyHSD> CLIM… Tempera…          0     7.58     2.78
2 Fish           <tibble> <TukeyHSD> CLIM… Tempera…          0    54.6     42.2 
3 Marine invert… <tibble> <TukeyHSD> CLIM… Tempera…          0    55.5     32.0 
4 Terrestrial p… <tibble> <TukeyHSD> CLIM… Tropica…          0   191.     163.  
# ℹ 2 more variables: conf.high <dbl>, adj.p.value <dbl>

We can also nest the data by different groups, i.e. taxa and study id, in order to perform a different model for each study site and taxa.

rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30) %>%
group_by(TAXA,id) %>% 
nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~gam(richness ~ s(year, bs = "cs",k=-1), data=.x)),
         coefs = map(model, tidy, conf.int = TRUE),
         Rsq = map_dbl(model, ~summary(.)$r.sq)) %>% 
# A tibble: 24 × 10
# Groups:   TAXA, id [24]
      id TAXA         data     model term    edf ref.df statistic p.value    Rsq
   <dbl> <chr>        <list>   <lis> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1    39 Birds        <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.98      9     6.13  1.23e-5 0.538 
 2    46 Birds        <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.88      9    39.3   0       0.884 
 3    57 Fish         <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.29      9    12.2   1.80e-7 0.774 
 4   117 Marine inve… <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  8.33      9     4.36  4.04e-4 0.438 
 5   119 Fish         <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  8.50      9    29.3   0       0.866 
 6   147 Marine inve… <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  3.72      9     0.852 9.11e-2 0.0979
 7   148 Fish         <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.85      9    84.1   0       0.953 
 8   178 Fish         <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  5.84      9    21.6   0       0.835 
 9   214 Terrestrial… <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.45      9    50.0   0       0.837 
10   278 Fish         <tibble> <gam> s(ye…  7.23      9    22.1   0       0.835 
# ℹ 14 more rows

Just for information, if you are using the latest version of dplyr (1.0.0), you can use nest_by() instead of group_by() and nest(). With this approach we skip using mutate and map and use summarise() instead.

rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30, CLIMATE=="Temperate") %>%
  ungroup %>% 
nest_by(TAXA,id) %>% 
mutate(model = list(gam(richness ~ s(year, bs = "cs",k=-1), data=data))) %>% 
summarise(tidy(model, conf.int = TRUE))# %>% 
# A tibble: 19 × 7
# Groups:   TAXA, id [19]
   TAXA                    id term      edf ref.df statistic     p.value
   <chr>                <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Birds                   39 s(year) 7.98       9     6.13  0.0000123  
 2 Birds                   46 s(year) 7.88       9    39.3   0          
 3 Birds                  339 s(year) 5.59       9     7.03  0          
 4 Birds                  360 s(year) 3.13       9     1.15  0.0211     
 5 Birds                  363 s(year) 0.805      9     0.313 0.0595     
 6 Birds                  413 s(year) 6.93       9    19.0   0          
 7 Birds                  414 s(year) 7.88       9    35.6   0          
 8 Fish                    57 s(year) 7.29       9    12.2   0.000000180
 9 Fish                   119 s(year) 8.50       9    29.3   0          
10 Fish                   178 s(year) 5.84       9    21.6   0          
11 Fish                   288 s(year) 7.67       9    19.4   0          
12 Fish                   428 s(year) 8.77       9    56.7   0          
13 Fish                   430 s(year) 4.46       9    17.0   0          
14 Fish                   431 s(year) 5.82       9    10.8   0          
15 Marine invertebrates   117 s(year) 8.33       9     4.36  0.000404   
16 Marine invertebrates   147 s(year) 3.72       9     0.852 0.0911     
17 Terrestrial plants     214 s(year) 7.45       9    50.0   0          
18 Terrestrial plants     298 s(year) 5.58       9    10.1   0          
19 Terrestrial plants     355 s(year) 8.11       9    42.7   0          

Generating tables from model output

As I said before, with broom we can perform the models and report organized tables. We don’t need to copy and paste the output, risking to mess up the results. Also, if the analysis change we don’t have to delete the old tables, we simply generate a new one.


model_tab<-rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30, CLIMATE=="Temperate") %>%
  ungroup %>% 
nest_by(TAXA,id) %>% 
mutate(model = list(gam(richness ~ s(year, bs = "cs",k=-1), data=data))) %>% 
summarise(tidy(model, conf.int = TRUE))

TAXA id term edf ref.df statistic p.value
Birds 39 s(year) 7.981 9 6.132 1.23e-05
Birds 46 s(year) 7.878 9 39.29 0
Birds 339 s(year) 5.586 9 7.027 0
Birds 360 s(year) 3.131 9 1.147 0.02115
Birds 363 s(year) 0.8045 9 0.3126 0.05949
Birds 413 s(year) 6.934 9 19.03 0
Birds 414 s(year) 7.879 9 35.62 0
Fish 57 s(year) 7.292 9 12.23 1.805e-07
Fish 119 s(year) 8.504 9 29.35 0
Fish 178 s(year) 5.844 9 21.58 0
Fish 288 s(year) 7.669 9 19.42 0
Fish 428 s(year) 8.768 9 56.65 0
Fish 430 s(year) 4.459 9 17.01 0
Fish 431 s(year) 5.822 9 10.8 0
Marine invertebrates 117 s(year) 8.328 9 4.364 0.0004043
Marine invertebrates 147 s(year) 3.715 9 0.8522 0.09115
Terrestrial plants 214 s(year) 7.454 9 49.96 0
Terrestrial plants 298 s(year) 5.584 9 10.09 0
Terrestrial plants 355 s(year) 8.107 9 42.72 0

Bootstrap with modelr

We can try to perform a bootstrap (a few times) and visualize how the species richness of different taxa is changing over time.

boots_rich <- rich_plot %>% 
  filter(n_year>30, CLIMATE=="Temperate") %>%
  ungroup %>% 
  group_by(TAXA,id) %>% 
  do(rs = modelr::bootstrap(., 10)) %>% 
  unnest(rs) %>% 
  group_by(TAXA,id,.id) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~augment(gam(richness ~ s(year, bs="cs", k=-1),
                                         family = poisson(link="log"),
                                           data = as.data.frame(.$strap))))) %>% 

We have taxa, study id and .id representing each bootstrap.

# A tibble: 8,980 × 12
# Groups:   TAXA, id, .id [190]
   TAXA     id .id   data     richness  year .fitted .se.fit  .resid   .hat
   <chr> <dbl> <chr> <list>      <int> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       24  2014    3.09  0.0650  0.412  0.0932
 2 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       20  1986    2.99  0.0458  0.0443 0.0415
 3 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       18  1998    3.00  0.0432 -0.472  0.0375
 4 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       19  2009    3.06  0.0482 -0.500  0.0494
 5 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       25  1992    2.99  0.0449  1.11   0.0399
 6 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       16  1984    2.99  0.0467 -0.892  0.0433
 7 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       21  1982    2.99  0.0483  0.243  0.0464
 8 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       24  1975    3.01  0.0648  0.801  0.0853
 9 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       19  1979    3.00  0.0529 -0.236  0.0562
10 Birds    39 01    <tibble>       23  2011    3.07  0.0534  0.306  0.0615
# ℹ 8,970 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: .sigma <lgl>, .cooksd <dbl>

Using mutate() we can get both upper and lower confidence intervals

boots_ci <- boots_rich %>%
  mutate(lower = .fitted - 1.96 * .se.fit,
upper = .fitted + 1.96 * .se.fit)

Visualize confidence intervals with geom_ribbon().

upper_lower <- boots_ci %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(TAXA) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  mutate(plot = map2(data, TAXA, ~ggplot(data = .x, aes(x=year, y = .fitted, , fill = as.factor(id)))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper, group=interaction(.id, as.factor(id))),linetype=0,alpha=0.2)+
  ggtitle(glue("Species richness change of {.y} over time"))+
  labs(subtitle =  "Ribbon shows 95% bootstrapped percentile confidence interval",
       fill = "Study ID",
       y = "log(Species richness)")+
    guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))))

We can store each plot as an object

boots_birds <- upper_lower$plot[[1]]

boots_fish <- upper_lower$plot[[2]]+coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-5,6))

boots_marine<- upper_lower$plot[[3]]

boots_plants<- upper_lower$plot[[4]]

And combine them with cowplot::plot_grid()

plot_grid(boots_birds, boots_fish,
          boots_marine, boots_plants, ncol=2, nrow=2)

Well.. some studies seem to be 💩 fitted, others not that much. Next step, I’d check the estimates of our bootstraps, explore a bit more those well fitted models, and try to improve the bad ones.

I’m still a beginner in tidymodels. If you are interested in learning more about tidymodels / predictions / bootstraps etc, I recommend following Julia Silge’s channel on youtube.

If you find any mistakes, have suggestions or queries, please just drop me a DM on twitter or leave a comment here (hope it is working now 😄).